
A Letter from Nagaoka


We’ve received a letter of appreciation from the Nagaoka International Exchange Association:


June 11, 2021

To: Ms. Mayumi Miyahara

Executive Director

Hawaii Global Education Foundation


Hawaii Global Education Foundation

Executive Director Ms. Mayumi Miyahara


We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy under these hard times of the global pandemic.

The number of people infected by the corona virus has been increasing rapidly this April in Nagaoka, seemingly setting back any prospects of this pandemic ending any time soon.  To our great disappointment, we’ve had to cancel this year’s Great Nagaoka Fireworks Festival as we did the previous year.  Though there will be no fireworks in the skies of Nagaoka to be seen this year, we’ve sent a papercraft in image of the “Phoenix” (fireworks made in prayer of recovery from the great Chuetsu earthquake).  We hope you will enjoy this miniature firework, made with the most exquisite of craftsmanship.

Please accept our deepest gratitude for Ms. Miyahara and her help in the realization of the Sister City relationship with the City of Honolulu.  The pandemic has made meeting in person very difficult, but we are in the process of finding new methods of interacting through the internet, web conferences etc.  We ask for your continued support as we strive to preserve the friendship of our cities.

We send out our sincerest prayers for the safety of Ms. Miyahara, her family and friends, and all the people of Honolulu.


Yours truly,


Yuko Matsuki

Executive Director

Nagaoka International Exchange Association