
Yamaguchi Prefecture “Eastern Region Glocal Human Resource Development Project”


1/14 – 18/24

HGEF was asked to assist the Yamaguchi Prefecture Board of Education (Yamaguchi BoE) for the school visits on the Island of Kauai on January 16.

Suo Oshima is an island located on the southeast tip of Yamaguchi, and has been a sister island with Kauai since 1963. Historically, Suo Oshima sent about 4,000 people to Hawaii as the immigrants during the “Kanyaku Imin” period (1885 – 1894).

75 students from Suo Oshima High School were divided into three (3) groups to visit Kauai HS, Kapaa HS, and Waimea HS on Kauai. Each group got an opportunity to do the campus tour and have lunch with local students at respective schools.

Also, a couple of student representatives and the Yamaguchi BoE representatives paid the City and County of Kauai office for a courtesy visit.